I'm here, I'm here!

Hello Modern Media Mavens!  I feel quite blessed to be a part of this group.

I have worked in an elementary school district for 20 years, but only officially in the library for the last 3.

 Best. Job. Ever.

I have 3 children and they have been very helpful teaching me how to do Power Points, navigate Google Drive,  and most importantly, fixing things when I somehow screw them up.

Many years ago I had a blog.  I suppose its still here on the world wide web but I haven't even looked at it in several years.  I was exploring on how to change things here and oh boy, do I have a lot to learn! The only thing I changed was the Featured Post to show the most current post.  When it was only showing the original post I got confused (easily done) trying to see the order they went in.

Thank you Nicole for showing me how to get into Blogger.  I'm a little slow sometimes, but I'll catch on.  I can't wait to see what you ladies create!



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