Hello, Fellow Mavens!

Hey there, Modern Media Mavens! I'm so excited to be collaborating on this blog with you—I've never paid such close attention to detail when it comes to aspects of blogs and this is all really exciting.

I love how our blog was set up originally (I love the chosen theme especially), but here are the changes I made:

  • Perhaps the most significant change I made was to the Featured post on the Home page. Rather than the Featured post being the most recent one, I changed it so that it's the one that our blog creator, Nicole, wrote up. All other recent posts can be found below. 
  • I changed the title of our blog's font to Volkorn and increased the size to 42 (from 36). I also changed the Page List font to Georgia and increased the size to 16 (from 14). 
  • I made it so that the selected page (aka page you are currently on) is now Red rather than Black/Brown so that it stands out more. 
  • I edited the page that was originally called "Modern Media Mavens: Team Members" and shortened it to just "Team Members" for easier reading and efficiency.
Thank you all for the hard work you're doing on this blog! Can't wait to see how it turns out. 

- Brianna


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