Libraries as Social Hubs: Comic Con!

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For many years, libraries have been the go-to place for patrons to find and access information. But with the evolution of the Internet and Media Technologies, many can access any information they may need in the comfort of their own home. With that, libraries find themselves with a declining attendance of patrons. With the Internet becoming the popular choice of research and entertainment, how can libraries attract more visitors? In honor of Free Comic Book Day (which is coming up very soon!), here's one suggestion: COMIC CON!

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In this day in age, comic books and movies have been very popular (Black Panther, anyone?) And with the emergence of graphic novels in the literary world, it is safe to say that a Comic Book Convention can be a great way to gather the community in a Library space. San Diego Comic Con has sold out every single year and instead of being envious of those that were able to purchase a pass, why not attend one at your local library?

"Besides being a grand old time," Heidi MacDonald writes, "Comic cons benefit libraries by bringing in new readers and showcasing particularly strong graphic novel collections. They also allow publishers and creators to build connections with fans and expand relationships with particularly supportive libraries" (2014).

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There are many activities that can be considered at a comic book convention. For example, patrons can view panels of multiple people involved in the comic book/graphic novel world. You may not be able to see any big-name guests, but it is entirely possible to view a panel containing voice actors, illustrators, and authors! Patrons can also participate in a costume contest, where participants can dress up as a comic book character of their choice. Another activity idea: young children participating in superhero arts and crafts activities... Or how about a video game competition? The possibilities are endless!

Because of the popularity of comic book movies, video games, and TV shows, a comic book convention can attract fans from all over the age spectrum. Comic book events not only attract the youth, but also adults of all ages. Holding a comic book event is an exciting way to bring together readers with similar interests as well as introduce outsiders to the world of comics and graphic novels!

(Written by Marjorie Anne Portillo)

Works Cited

"How to Throw a Comic Con at Your Library." Publishers Weekly, vol. 261, no. 16, 21 Apr. 2014, pp. 20-24. EBSCOhost,


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