Libraries as Social Hubs

It used to be that the library was a place you went to find a book for a report, a place to make copies, a quiet place to write that report and in my case, get shushed by the librarian. 

Not so anymore!

The 21st Century library is establishing its role as a social hub.  A community gathering place. An after school clubhouse.  A speaker’s podium.  An artist’s exhibition hall……you get the idea.  The library of today is the place to go for just about anything.  The library has information and resources for everybody

Today’s libraries are offering more and more programs for all age levels and backgrounds.  The librarians are going out into the community seeking out what the needs are and then finding ways of meeting those needs.  You could say librarians are a sort of Super Hero. 

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There are many different ways to find out what the communities needs are, but I found an article that I thought was interesting. In the article Librarians as Community Ambassadors, Shana Hinze (2016) writes that she goes out into the community to find out what the needs are.  This means, “…going out into the community, joining neighborhood organizations and attending local meetings…” 

I found this idea to be pretty awesome.  Instead of waiting for someone to mention the need to the library, the library is going out in search of needs.  AND they are going to try and DO SOMETHING about them.  Super Hero. 

Ms. Hinze goes on to list a few places you can visit to either find out what needs are there or to offer up information on programs already in existence.  Such as, WIC centers (baby reading hour), schools (after school  programs), churches (book clubs), senior centers ( financial help), etc.     

Of course all this takes dedication and a willingness to get involved with your community.  Everyone needs a Super Hero.  We all have what it takes to become one. 
- Beth Prout

Works Cited

Hinze, Shana. "Librarians as Community Ambassadors." Young Adult Library Services, vol. 15, no. 1, 
Fall2016, pp. 27-30. EBSCOhost,


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