Social Networking and Libraries

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When was the last time you visited Facebook?  Or Instagram? Or YouTube?

5 minutes ago?  WOW!

Ok, now look up your local library’s name on those websites.  What do you see? 

Cool stuff, huh?

Librarians now are using social media to get the word out.  People are living their lives online more and more.  They aren’t visiting their local library as much for new books or movies because it’s all available online.  But of course, libraries are so much more than that. 

Libraries have programs and special events happening all the time.  By using social media they can advertise this.  Using social media creates networking.  Kind of like that old Faberge shampoo commercial, “….then she told 2 friends and she told 2 friends and so on and so on.” 

Yes, I’m showing my age.

The article “Landscape of Social Media for Libraries”, written by David King, (2015) gives practical advice on what, where and when to post to social media.  King writes, “Share great content, and your customers will want to connect with you.”(13)  King suggests posting about tips and tricks, being funny and, “Finally, make sure to network and create lasting connections with your customers. Library staff already know how to do this in person. Do the same thing online. Friend people. Comment on what they’re doing, and in general be helpful.” (13)

I think that says it all, library staff know how to connect in person, we just need to do it online also. 
-Beth Prout

Works Cited

King, David Lee. "Landscape of Social Media for Libraries." Library Technology Reports, vol. 51, no. 1, Jan. 2015, pp. 10-15. EBSCOhost, url=


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